Sunday, April 13, 2008

Moons 1-13, The first year

A baby's first year is one of amazing growth.

Week by week, the changes come quickly. Many parents are initially anxious but discover that many guides are available to help them understand what should be done.

When born, a baby is still a work in progress. Senses are developing, as are nerves and muscles. Initially, babies only can see as nearby objects and they can only see black and white. Several months go by before colors can be perceived. Parents can see how their baby gains new abilities.

Long-term health is not just influenced by events after birth, but also how a baby grew before birth. Low birth weight babies (less than 5 1/2 lbs) have a much greater risk of dying from heart disease, stroke, and diabetes than individuals well grown at birth.

From this start, the baby becomes a child and then an adult. This blog will follow this progression as it happens over 900 moons.

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