Sunday, April 13, 2008

Moons 14-65 : Toddlers

Skipping over many stages of child development, this post looks at the toddler years.
See here for many more details on development.
Another good guide to development milestones is this.

The biggest change is when the child goes from an "infant" (meaning: no talk) to a toddler that talks and actively explores the environment. By one year old, a child will often use "mama" or "dada" with the right parent.

Language researchers have learned a great deal about the order in which children learn different aspects of language. Their first words are almost always nouns. Verbs come later. Early "sentences" consist of only 1 word. Then comes the 2 word stage. Etc. These stages tend to happen at particular ages.

By two years old, a child will start simple sentences of two words. By three years, the child can use sentences two- to four-words long, follow simple instructions, and often repeat words overheard in conversations. By four years of age, the child can understand most sentences.

The brain continues to grow as does the body. At birth, the brain is only one-quarter its adult size. During the first few years, the brain establishes and reinforces neuron connections as the child adapts to its surroundings. During this period of growth, individual nerves become insulated for more efficient transmission.

Parents quickly detect the emergence of the child's personality as the child interacts with the world -- tantrums, fears and favorites are quickly shown. As a toddler, the child starts to establish an independent sense of their own self.

What pieces of the child's personality are genetically determined and which stem from environmental causes is a long-discussed argument.

Moons 1-13, The first year

A baby's first year is one of amazing growth.

Week by week, the changes come quickly. Many parents are initially anxious but discover that many guides are available to help them understand what should be done.

When born, a baby is still a work in progress. Senses are developing, as are nerves and muscles. Initially, babies only can see as nearby objects and they can only see black and white. Several months go by before colors can be perceived. Parents can see how their baby gains new abilities.

Long-term health is not just influenced by events after birth, but also how a baby grew before birth. Low birth weight babies (less than 5 1/2 lbs) have a much greater risk of dying from heart disease, stroke, and diabetes than individuals well grown at birth.

From this start, the baby becomes a child and then an adult. This blog will follow this progression as it happens over 900 moons.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


This blog attempts to record a "book of life" for a person's lifespan.

Feel free to contribute!

"900 moons" is the span of a human in modern western countries. Nine hundred months is a bit more than seven decades.